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VMY Greece conducts Leadership Training to its MERCY Core Leaders

14 September 2017


Last September 9-10, 2017, VMY Greece conducted a two-day leadership training seminar for its Core leaders at the Miraculous Medal Center.


VMY Group Leader, Kuya Thadeus Mendoza, served as the facilitator to the 16 MERCY Team Core leaders who participated in the activity. With the theme, "Take the Lead, VMY Leadership Training Seminar: Do you have what it takes to be a VMY leader?", the training consisted of the following goals:

  • To not only give information or the skills for one to lead a VMY team, but instead to CHALLENGE each one to change, mature and be transformed into the image of Christ.

  • To help the participants become RESPONSIBLE YOUNG LEADERS who will TAKE THE LEAD in achieving the VMY’s purpose of bringing its members closer to Christ.

  • To always remember that: "You can’t GIVE what you don’t HAVE!" You can’t give Christ if you don’t know him personally.



Each day started with a prayer followed by an expectation setting on the first day and an ice-breaker on the second day. The two-day seminar consisted of 11 sessions and some exercises in between that covered the topics from kinds of leadership, communication, teambuilding and conflict resolution. Each participant was given a workbook where activities and exercises were available and used within the seminar to make it more personal, reflective but dynamic at the same time. This allowed the participants to express their thoughts and sentiments about the topics given making it interactive for them. Certificates were given to the participants as well as an evaluation was done after the entire activity on the second day.

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