together in FAITH, together in HOPE, together in LOVE for Christ!
VMY GREECE pays homage to Mama Mary, celebrates Flores de Mayo and the Santacruzan
30 May 2022
VMY GREECE joined with the rest of the Miraculous Medal Center (MMC) community in celebrating Flores De Mayo (Flowers of May) and the Santacruzan in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary last Sunday, May 29, 2022.
The celebration kicked off with the annual month of May tradition of the “Crowning of the Blessed Virgin” held at St. Therese Church prior to the celebration of the Sunday Holy Mass. Kuya Thad, VMY Greece Coordinator, led the Morning Prayer which was then followed by Julia Meneses, VMY Greece Council Treasurer, who led the praying of the 5th Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary. This year’s crowning was spearheaded by Athina Larreine Saturnino (from the Catechism class of St. Catherine Laboure) and her mom. Dressed all in white, one by one, assigned members of the MMC community pay homage to the image of Mama Mary as they offered candles and flowers near the Altar (decorated and designed by Tita Marycel Binibini) while each “Hail Mary” of the rosary decade was prayed. This was then followed by the singing of “Salve Regina” by Catherine Binibini, VMY Greece Council Secretary, alongside Julia. VMY Greece’s Joy Team also served as the sponsors of the Sunday Mass which was officiated by Fr. Janvier Kulala.
The Flores de Mayo festivity continued with the joyous celebration of the "Santacruzan" at the MMC grounds. A religious procession, the Santacruzan is a re-enactment of the finding of the Holy Cross by Queen Helena, including a parade of “Sagalas”, of some significant women characters from both the Old and New Testament. It also includes some titles of the Blessed Mary as mentioned in the Litany of the Most Holy Rosary. The MMC version of the Santacruzan gave each one a glimpse of one of the biggest and most colorful festivals held across the Philippines during the entire month of May. Hosting the event were VMY Greece Council President, Ivy Blaise Palope and Council Secretary, Catherine Binibini. Garbed on with their respective costumes and symbols on hand, chosen members of VMY Greece paraded as ”Sagalas” in the Santacruzan along with the rest of the participants coming from the different classes of the Sunday Catechism school.
They were as follows with their respective roles (in sequential order of their procession):
MATUSALEM - George Robert
THE AETAS - Alberto Mar Lomadilla, Roy Constantine Gascon, Norman Alqueza
REINA MORA - Barbara Carbonel
REINA DELA FE (Queen Faith) - Klareen Bobihis
REINA ESPERANZA (Queen Hope) - Gemmiely Gascon
REINA DEL CARIDAD (Queen Charity) - Reina Manlapaz
AVE MARIA - Mary Joy Isabelle Astrero, Michaela Jane Salmos, Dylan Phoedon Bagunu, Leonel Joshua Manalang, Andrew James Reyes, Christian Mar Galvez, Denisse Villahermosa, Arieta Faith Granada
REINA DE LAS ESTRELLAS (Queen of Stars) - Precious Phoebe Toquero
REINA ABOGADA (Queen Advocate) - Maria Crisalyn Serquiña
REINA DELA PAZ (Queen of Peace) - Jodi Meneses
REINA DE LOS ANGELES (Queen of Angels) - Casey Bernadette Aggabao with her ANGELS: Michaela Temporal and Alexander Mangi
REINA DEL CIELO (Queen of Heaven) - Hazel Marie Marquez with CANDLE BEARERS: John Michael Hinayon and John Mclin Robert
REINA DELAS VIRGINES (Queen of Virgins) - Alexandra-Sophia Temporal with her ESCORT: Aaron Joshua Pascua and ANGELS: Angel Orbizo and Kyle Rafael Asistores
REINA DEL SANTISIMO ROSARIO (Queen of the Holy Rosary) - Athina Larreine Saturnino
REINA ELENA and CONSTANTINE - Mary Joy Marquez and Daniel James Pascua
STATUE/IMAGE OF MAMA MARY – Tita Jasmin Imperial
CANDLE BEARERS: Ryan Xavier Bergado, Jared Andrei Ladia and Edgardo Antonio Toquero
VMY Greece Santacruzan participants (From L - R)
Barbara Carbonel, Mary Joy Marquez, Klareen Bobihis, Angel Pilien,
George Robert, Gemmiely Gascon, Maria Crisalyn Serquiña, Reina Manlapaz, Roy Constantine Gascon, Norman Alqueza, and Alberto Mar Lomadilla
Members of the Miraculous Medal Choir also sang the “Dios Te Salve, Maria” hymn as the 'Sagalas' paraded in the Santacruzan.
After the Santacruzan, members of the VMY gathered at the third floor where they met and had a short interaction with Sr. Anna Dounavi, DC, VMY Greece Sister Advisor, and Sr. Melanie Denoyelle, DC. With much enthusiasm and happiness, Sr. Anna presented to the group the Final Document of the VMY General Assembly held last year July 2021 and officially conferred the appointment by Tomas Mavric CM, VMY General Director, as National President of VMY Greece to Ivy Blaise Palope. Sr. Melanie also shared and encouraged the members to take on the challenge of inviting anyone to be a part of the Association. Meanwhile, Tita Marycel and Tita Vhicky, together with some parents, busily prepared the stubs for the raffle draw.
Lunch prepared by the ever-supportive VMY Greece mothers was served after the meeting and the day wrapped up with the drawing and announcement of winners of the “Come One, Come All” Fund Raising Raffle.